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HomeMartial ArtsFinding The BIG BOSS BRUCE LEE Locations | World of Martial Arts

Finding The BIG BOSS BRUCE LEE Locations | World of Martial Arts

Finding The BIG BOSS BRUCE LEE Locations

Matt Routledge, Director, talks to Andrew Staton, Bruce Lee authority, about filming his documentary ‘The BIG BOSS Return To Thailand’ in Pak Chong, Thailand where he reveals and rediscovers the original locations used in The BIG BOSS.

How did he create the project?
How did he know where to go in Pak Chong?
What was it like seeing the locations for the first time?
How did he get permission to enter the actual temple that doubles for the Big Boss’s mansion?
What was it like in the cellar?
What has happened to the Brothel location?
Can you still stay in the Rimtarn Inn?
Is the original Ice Factory still there?
Has it changed?
Is the River location been built over?
What would it cost to travel and visit all the locations?
How did his documentary become included in the Arrow Video Golden Harvest 4K UDR release?

To Listen to the audio version of the Podcast, click here : WORLD OF MARTIAL ARTS SHOW



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