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Who Invented Chess? – Remote Chess Academy

You won’t like to know this… Aliens put a binary colored board in front of us, dropped some attractive figurines on it, and sit comfortably to watch us play as if we themselves were part of a bigger game. Is this for real? Who invented chess?

―Who invented chess? ―Who cares! We are here not to learn history, but to learn how to play chess the right way. 😃 Aren’t you?

The History of Who Invented Chess (for Chess Players)

  • Most people agree that the stem of chess sprouted in the ancient India and, starting in Persia, traveled through time and space, from the 7th century in the Middle East to the 15th century in Europe.
    If you don’t know what the Silk Road was, at least you can be grateful to it for carrying chess to the world today.Who invented chess? Its origins are traced to the Middle East.
  • Other people prefer to think that chess was born in Europe, because the current form of the game was established at the 15th century and it is the one we play today. The game practically has had no change since then!Who invented chess? The game we play today was established in Europe.No matter whom you are rooting for, whoever invented it, chess is a heritage of all humanity!
  • And even some people, who don’t trust in humanity’s ingenuity ―🙄 Oh my god!― and give not a cent for humans, believe that chess was invented by aliens. Extraterrestrial entities surreptitiously threw this game among humans many centuries ago…
    Who invented chess? Maybe the aliens!?

You (the Chess Player) Are What Matters

Who cares who invented chess! You don’t need to be a historian to appreciate the genius behind chess.

Chess belongs to us: the people who play it, the people who study it, the people who understand it, and the people who enjoy it! We are the owners of chess!

Who invented chess? Not me, but we are the owners of chess.

Only we, the people who enjoy chess daily can surpass the people who invented chess: the people who day to day play chess, and lose their minds among their infinite moves and possibilities…

We ―the people who dedicate a great part of our life to chess― could search for the true mystery in chess, not studying its history, but studying its theory.

Who invented chess? We don't know, but we play it day to day.

The true mystery in chess lies not in its history, but in its working. By studying chess theory we try to devise how chess works.

So, nobody else but us can say: Who cares who invented chess! Chess is simply a synonymous of genius!

Why Do You Play Chess and Care Nothing about Who Invented it?

  • Chess Is Fun! Choose your playmate, arrange the board, drop the pieces on it, and let your imagination run free!
    Who invented chess? Who cares! Chess is fun!
  • Study Chess: Discover the theory which rules the chess board, understand the cause and effect of chess moves, do some hard thinking and your brain will please you!

Anybody can argue about who invented chess, but nobody can argue about how fruitful is to learn to play chess.

Why Do You Enjoy Chess?

Maybe you don’t know who invented chess, but surely you know why you enjoy it!

For some of us, chess is our life. What is chess for you?

Think about it and comment with your friends, by sharing this article. 😉



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