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HomeChessWho Goes First In Chess and Does It Matter?

Who Goes First In Chess and Does It Matter?

Chess, a game of kings and queens, knights and bishops, is known for its strategic complexity and intellectual depth. One question that often arises among chess players, especially beginners, is who gets to make the first move and whether it holds any significance in the outcome of the game.

In chess, the player with the white pieces always goes first. This is a tradition that has been around for centuries, and there are a few reasons why it matters.

Does the Starting Move Matter?

The starting move in chess can indeed have an impact on the dynamics of the game. White’s first move provides an opportunity to shape the initial position and set the tone for the upcoming battle.

The player who goes first has a slight advantage. This is because they can control the center of the board and develop their pieces more quickly. Black, on the other hand, has to react to White’s moves and may not be able to get their pieces into ideal positions as quickly.

White has more options

The player who goes first has more options. They can choose to attack or defend, or they can try to develop their pieces and build up a positional advantage. Black, on the other hand, has to respond to White’s moves and may not have as many options.

White controls the tempo of the game

The player who goes first has more control over the tempo of the game. They can choose to play a slow, positional game or a fast, attacking game. Black, on the other hand, has to react to White’s moves and may not be able to dictate the tempo of the game.

As a result of these factors, the player who goes first has a slightly higher chance of winning. In high-level chess, White wins about 55% of the time. In lower-level chess, the advantage is smaller, but White still wins slightly more often.

There are a few things that Black can do to try to equalize the game. They can try to develop their pieces quickly and control the center of the board. They can also try to make sharp, attacking moves that put White on the defensive.

However, it is important to remember that White still has the advantage. Black needs to play very well to win, and even then, they may not be able to overcome the advantage that White has.

Here are some tips for playing as White:

  • Develop your pieces quickly and control the center of the board.
  • Look for opportunities to attack.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. White has the advantage, so you can afford to take a few risks.

Here are some tips for playing as Black:

  • Develop your pieces quickly and control the center of the board.
  • Look for opportunities to counterattack.
  • Be patient and don’t make any mistakes. Black needs to play very well to win.


The first-move advantage is a real factor in chess, and it is something that both players need to be aware of. White has a slight advantage, but Black can still win by playing very well.




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