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HomeScuba DivingThe All-New 10 Tips to Save the Ocean

The All-New 10 Tips to Save the Ocean

If you want to learn about ocean conservation and how you can contribute to saving the ocean, the updated PADI AWARE Specialty course is perfect for you. This course focuses on 10 tips to save the ocean, giving you the tools to make a difference for the beautiful ocean every time you dive, travel, or go about your daily life. Now supported by eLearning, this course and tips are easier than ever to access – you can complete the academic portion of the course at your own pace, using your desktop, laptop, or mobile device. Here’s a sneak preview of the course’s all-new 10 tips to save the ocean!

1. Be Ocean AWARE

Tip number one teaches the significant role the ocean plays, the key threats facing the marine environment and the value of current conservation initiatives. Knowledge and understanding is the foundation of ocean conservation!

2. Take Action

Divers are the underwater eyes of the world, strong ocean advocates and marine stewards. For example, divers can fight against marine debris all over the world by collecting and reporting data on the trash they collect on dives. This information contributes to a global science database and environmental policy that can be used to protect the ocean. Every action, big or small, matters.

3. Respect Wildlife

Marine life, like manta rays and sharks, are major dive attractions. Many divers and snorkelers want to see the amazing marine life, making it especially important to practice role-model behavior to minimize stress and to keep the marine life safe and healthy. Best practices around wildlife are to not feed, touch or chase marine life.

4. Be a Buoyancy Expert

Beautiful coral reefs are popular dive sites and important marine ecosystems. Unfortunately, diving in these ocean ecosystems comes with a risk of hitting, brushing against or resting on the coral and thereby harming it! This is why practicing skillful buoyancy to prevent harm to coral reefs and other fragile marine ecosystems is super important.

5. Practice Responsible Imaging

There’s a reason we have the saying, “A picture can say a thousand words.” Photography can be a powerful tool for ocean conservation, but these beautiful pictures should be taken a responsible and respectful manner. Tip number five teaches how to support conservation through accurate and respectful storytelling.

6. Leave Only Bubbles, Take Only Trash

You are a guest when you dive in the ocean, so it’s best to not disturb the dive site as you could be harming the homes of marine life! Another best practice is to leave the site as clean or even cleaner than when you first dove in. Leave no trace, and make a positive impact in the places you explore.

7. Become a Citizen Scientist

Tip number seven dives deeper into the realm of actions you can take above and below the waves to directly contribute to science programs and tangible actions as a citizen scientist. Science and conservation are collective efforts, and you can contribute!

8. Be an Ecotourist

Tip number eight teaches students how to travel responsibly, minimize your environmental impact and identify sustainable dive centers and tour operators. Dive centers can play big roles putting the tips to save the ocean into action. For this purpose, Green Fins can help you find dive shops and other operators with responsible social and environmental business practices.

9. Give Back

You can volunteer, donate or fundraise to protect what you love. To get started, check out your local PADI dive center to see if they are hosting volunteer events, like beach cleanups.

10. Join Us

All of the tips encompass the essence of what it means to be an Ocean Torchbearer! Join our community of ocean advocates around the world to help drive action at the local level for global ocean conservation.

These 10 all-new tips to save the ocean, along with the rest of the information in the PADI AWARE Specialty course, help bring clear actions and ideals to make positive change for the local waters you love. Start this revamped conservation course today!

the all-new padi aware 10 tips to save the ocean



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