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HomeChessPowerful and unusual ways to improve in chess

Powerful and unusual ways to improve in chess

Chess, a game of strategy, intellect, and foresight, has captured the fascination of players worldwide for centuries.

While traditional methods of studying chess, such as analyzing classic games and solving tactics puzzles, are essential for improvement, exploring unique and unconventional approaches can provide an extra edge to your skill development.

In this article, we will delve into some intriguing methods that can take your chess prowess to new heights.

Playing Chess Blindfold

Playing chess blindfold is not only a fun challenge but also a great way to improve your visualization skills. When you play blindfold, you have to rely solely on your mental abilities to keep track of the entire board and make strategic moves. This exercise pushes your mind to visualize the positions, potential threats, and possible moves without the aid of a physical board.

By practicing blindfold chess regularly, you can enhance your ability to mentally project and manipulate chess positions, which can greatly improve your overall game.

By challenging your brain to work in this abstract way, you expand your chess understanding and strengthen your ability to visualize the game in your mind’s eye.

Study the Games of Grandmasters

Studying the games of grandmasters is widely recognized as one of the most effective ways to improve your chess skills. Grandmasters have reached the pinnacle of chess mastery, and analyzing their games allows you to learn from their deep understanding of the game’s complexities.

By immersing yourself in the strategic choices, tactical maneuvers, and positional play of grandmasters, you gain invaluable insights that can be applied to your own games.

Pay attention to how they handle different types of positions, their plans in the opening, middlegame, and endgame, as well as their overall decision-making process.

By absorbing their thought processes and imbibing their strategic thinking, you can develop a more sophisticated understanding of chess and improve your ability to make informed decisions over the board.

Solve Chess Problems

Chess problems provide an engaging and intellectually stimulating way to enhance your chess skills. Unlike tactics puzzles, which often focus on a single tactical idea, chess problems are more intricate and require you to find the best move in a given situation while considering the broader consequences.

Solving chess problems challenges your ability to think critically, evaluate positions, and make sound decisions.

Chess problems come in various forms, such as endgame studies or complex middlegame positions. These problems typically involve a specific goal, such as checkmate in a certain number of moves or finding a winning combination.

By regularly solving chess problems, you can sharpen your calculation skills, pattern recognition, and analytical thinking. This, in turn, helps improve your ability to identify tactical opportunities and make accurate assessments during your games.

Get a Chess App

In the digital age, chess apps have become invaluable tools for chess enthusiasts of all levels. These apps offer a wide range of features that can help you improve your chess skills conveniently and at your own pace.

By utilizing chess apps, you can access a wealth of chess resources, practice at your convenience, and engage with a global community of chess enthusiasts, all of which contribute to your growth as a chess player.


In the vast realm of chess, where strategic brilliance and calculated moves reign supreme, the path to improvement may seem daunting.

However, armed with the knowledge of unique and unusual methods, you possess the tools to unlock your full potential as a chess player.



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