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HomeSwimmingI want to swim 300 miles in 2022 (here's why I'll fail)

I want to swim 300 miles in 2022 (here’s why I’ll fail)

You can break the year into months or quarters, and track your progress. You can figure out how far you can swim in 30 minutes, and watch yourself grow over time.

You get to feel proud of the process, instead of disspointed with your progress.

You can even set smaller numbers-based goals throughout the year as you learn more about what’s realistic for you.

You still get to take advantage of the raw, competitive nature of numbers-based goals on smaller time frames, but your goal for the year is much harder to give up on. And the numbers are no longer arbitrary.

In order to fail at your new big-picture goal, you’d have to decide that you don’t actually want to get healthier this year, without the benefit of an increasingly impossible (arbitrary) number to point your finger at when admitting defeat.

So, if you’re at the beginning of your lap-swimming journey, consider making the change with me.

Commit to establishing a healthy relationship with the lap pool. Commit to learning to enjoy your swims. Don’t sweat the details, and learn to love the journey!

When you do, use numbers as a tool for measuring your progress and motivating yourself along the way.

I hope that if you do, 2022 can be the happiest, healthiest year of your life!

That’s what i’m counting on…



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