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HomeChessCrush the Queen's Gambit as Black | Accepted Variation

Crush the Queen’s Gambit as Black | Accepted Variation

October 25, 2023 2023-10-25 15:51

Crush the Queen’s Gambit as Black | Accepted Variation

The Queen’s Gambit is one of the oldest and popular chess openings that is still commonly played today, thanks to the drama miniseries. It occurs after the opening moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4, as White sacrifices the c-pawn.

In today’s video lesson, I’ll teach how to counter the Queen’s Gambit with an active and aggressive play as Black. You will learn the Queen’s Gambit Accepted (QGA) variation where you accept the gambit with 2…dxc4.

The trick is that most of your opponents won’t really know much about this variation as it’s less popular. If White doesn’t know how to react properly, they will easily go down.

Below, you can find the variations shown in the video below:



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