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HomeChessChessable Announces the Winner of Create Your Own Course Contest Season 2

Chessable Announces the Winner of Create Your Own Course Contest Season 2

All submissions have been reviewed, and the winner has been chosen for Season 2 of Chessable’s Create Your Own Course Contest!

The contest was a unique initiative that allowed users to submit their own courses on any chess topic they liked, for a chance at Chessable stardom and a grand prize. Our team of experts reviewed heaps of entries, and somehow managed to narrow the field down to four finalists. 

Among those top four, the winner will receive an advance of $5,000 on course sales and have their course presented recorded by one of Chessable’s most popular authors – International Master Christof Sielecki, a.k.a. “Chessexplained.” Be on the lookout for that in the near future!

We’d like to thank all users for submitting their courses. It was not easy choosing only four courses from the many excellent courses submitted.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the top four submissions:

4th Place – The Open Spanish: The Ultimate Guide for Black

by Chessforlife and fdunnechess

Creating a course on a deeply complex opening like the Ruy Lopez is quite a task, but creating one of this quality is quite another!

With explanations resembling those of a grandmaster, the detail of this course is second to none. If you’re thinking of taking up the Open Spanish, this is an excellent course to start with!

3rd Place – The Art of Squeezing

by jdac

Our next finalist authored a course on how to squeeze the life out of your opponent’s position with chapters on stopping counterplay, pawn storms, and otherwise totally dominationg your opponent over the board.

The author demonstrates their ideas with instructive puzzles and illustrative examples from top-level games in a course that will ofer great enhancements to your positional game.

2nd Place – The Complete Scotch Gambit

by Ironstone

This wonderfully crafted course shows you how to play a fun and underrated attacking weapon.

The course does a masterful job of showing you how to play the Scotch Gambit and features 200 puzzles, 100 reference games from grandmasters, and 150,000 words of explanation breaking down the key ideas behind the opening. All lines are engine checked, making the course a truly great resource for learning this versatile opening. 

And the winner is….

1st Place – Mastering Minor Piece Imbalances

by WeilunPotter

Hats off to WeilunPotter for illuminating one of the most critical yet understudied topics in the game of chess! 

Featuring six easy-to-understand chapters on topics such as “Good Knights vs. Bad Bishops” and “Paralyzing the Bishop Pair”, this course deftly trains you on how to handle minor piece imbalances. 

With annotated model games and wonderfully selected exercises from them, you’ll build a strong understanding and intuition of how to handle these crucial decisions in your own game. 

Congratulations to WeilunPotter for winning the 2022 Create Your Own Course Contest!

We’d again like to thank all participants for submitting their entries. We look forward to seeing several of them published in the near future, most notably Mastering Minor Piece Imbalances, presented by IM Christof Sielecki!



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