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HomeAthleticsBBC - Start running - a decision you won't regret

BBC – Start running – a decision you won’t regret

First of all, running does not require any specific equipment, beyond a decent pair of trainers, and you can quite literally do it anywhere.

Sure, you can later invest in GPS watches and high-tech workout gear, but when you’re starting out, keep it simple. Nip into a local running store and ask to have your gait assessed. They will do some quick checks on your running style to help inform you which pair of mid-range trainers will give your feet the best support.

And, if you’re really savvy, you can usually get last year’s range at a knockdown price.

The benefits of running are beyond question.

Physically, it helps shed pounds, boost metabolism and strengthen cardiovascular endurance. It can also lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Then there’s the mental side. Running gets you out into nature, which helps ease stress and anxiety. Your body releases endorphins when you run, boosting your mood – not to mention the feeling of satisfaction when completing something.

Finally, it is well documented how sociable it can be. The chance to join a new community, make friends and be part of something bigger can work wonders for your wellbeing. It’s also something that you can do with the whole family..



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