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HomeChessWIN IN 3 MOVES: The Jobava London System

WIN IN 3 MOVES: The Jobava London System

WIN IN 3 MOVES: The Jobava London System

Today I’m sharing with you how to play the Jobava London System chess opening as White. It is a variant of the London System which occurs after the following moves of White: 1.d4 2.Bf4 3.Nc3. It is very easy to learn and gives White great winning chances in just a few moves.

This opening variation was popularized by the Georgian grandmaster Baadur Jobava, successfully employing it against Veselin Topalov and Ruslan Ponomariov, also known as the Rapport-Jobava System, which is characterized by the moves 1.d4 2.Nc3 3.Bf4.

A funny note is that the 2nd most played line by Black loses in just 3 moves. You will also learn the key middlegame plan for White in the main variation.

Below, you can find the variations shown in the video:



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