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HomeHorse RacingWhat I’ve Learned About Horse Racing So Far

What I’ve Learned About Horse Racing So Far

Welcome to the unofficial start of horse racing season. Sure, there are races that kick off at the beginning of the year, but there’s something special about attending the track when the calendar says spring. Warm weather brings brighter spirits to the races — not to mention more spirits to be consumed in the sun. And, of course, all the glorious fashion options at play after April.

New to the sport of horse racing last year, I attended (for the first time) a race … and then another … and another … until I attended races the entire calendar year. And, despite being a clueless beginner, I learned too much to not share.

So step up and get some valuable, experiential info right here, people! 

Despite official times, you can arrive at the track whenever. That means you can show up at any time and, trust me, the earlier the better. Lighter crowds, better photo ops (more accommodating track staff allowing for even better photo ops), and fewer, uh, celebratory people. To those people I say: there’s no harm in pre-gaming the racing but don’t pre-game yourself into the ground before the first opening gate. 

Not every race is the Kentucky Derby. That sounds obvious, but for newer race fans, it is important to note that some races are far less formal and not infused with nearly as much tradition. Translation: you can get away with a casual, sensible style. That said, if you’re feeling bold and want to take a risk, races are the perfect environment for outlandishness. Not a single soul will look at you sideways except in sheer admiration and respect.

Treatment of the horses is TOP priority. Yes, the sport of horse racing has had instances of controversial treatment of the equine athletes. That said, the sport is dedicated to correcting previous missteps and doing everything they can to ensure every horse is given the utmost care. They are, after all, professional athletes.

Hydrate! This may sound like a throwaway lesson but, I assure you, it is one that far too many new racing fans ignore (and learn to regret doing so). You’re outside all day. You’re likely downing a couple of cocktails. And if you don’t remember to drink water, you may suffer the consequences and miss out on the entirety of the races. Take it from me, bring a Liquid IV or something.

Gamble with Your Gut (if you’re not going to do your homework). Here’s the deal, the betting culture in horse racing is a very appealing aspect of the sport and can make a day at the races even more fun. BUT, if you’re not going to research the life and times of every horse, and still want to get in on the action—just bet on the names that speak to you. It’s still fun and accessible for beginners. Plus, I’ve won more money this way than when I tried to get advice from my “experienced” friends.

Box Your Bets. Just do it. It basically means that if you select Horse A for first place, Horse B for second, and Horse C for third, with a boxed bet, the horses can come in any order (i.e. Horse C got first, Horse A came second, and Horse B got third) and you still make money! Gives you a little more assurance — especially if you have a really good “feeling” about a trio.

Buyer Beware. Trendy bodycon dresses (of which I wore many of this season) look stunning … but they are not easy, breezy if you are outdoors. If you’re worried about being comfortable in a dress and big hat — go with an A-line silhouette and fascinator. I lived 95 degree temperatures in a skintight cocktail dress so you don’t have to.

There you have it. Those are the highlights of my first year at the races. I came, I saw, I Triple-Crowned! And there is more where this came from because season two of A Stake in Stardom is well under way and there will be plenty more lessons from horse racing to share with any new, eager race fans.

Until then check out the full slate of celebrity owners participating in this initiative from America’s Best Racing and be sure to follow along on everyone’s dedicated social platforms.



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