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HomeGymnastics2023 Junior World Championships | Event Finals Day Two Live Blog

2023 Junior World Championships | Event Finals Day Two Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for for the second day of event finals at the 2023 Junior World Championships, held in Antalya, Turkey!

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7:47 am. Yu Hanyue CHN BB: Textbook layout stepout mount. Gorgeous roundoff layout. Cross split jump. Side aerial, slight adjustment but so precise otherwise. Switch leap to straddle jump to back handspring, perfect. Side somi, little wobble but corrects quickly. Double wolf turn, little check at the end but corrects again. Double tuck, lunge back. WELL!

7:43 am. Yamaguchi Sara JPN BB: Switch leap mount, gorgeous, to split ring leap to Korbut, very nice series. PERFECT triple wolf turn. But then she is a little off directionally on the front aerial and has a fall. Hit a clean jump series, and a bhs loso with a slight hip check. Switch ring, break at the hips. Side somi is nice. Double full, deep landing with a bit of a stumble forward. 12.400 (5.6, 6.800)

7:40 am. Moving quickly into the women’s beam final!

7:38 am. Men’s Vault Final Standings

1. Tommaso Brugnami, Italy, 14.133
2. Victor Canuel, Canada, 14.016
3. Szilard Zavory, Hungary, 13.883
4. Maxim Kovalenko, Germany, 13.833
5. Alperen Ege Avci, Turkey, 13.583
6. Daniel Trifonov, Bulgaria, 13.166
7. Jakob Kvamsøe, Norway, 13.150
8. Kamiyama Haruto, Japan, 12.049

7:34 am. Victor Canuel CAN VT: Huge Yurchenko double, SUPER clean in the air, just a hop back on the landing, but this was VERY nice. 14.033 (4.8, 9.233)

Goes for a kaz full and it’s FANTASTIC!!!! Almost sticks it, just takes a baby step. WOW! 14.000 (4.8, 9.200)

14.016 average, and he’ll get the silver medal!

7:30 am. Tommaso Brugnami ITA VT: Yurchenko 2.5, huge and SO clean. Goes off to the side so he lands with a foot OOB and then takes a little hop forward but that landing was almost perfect. Like, it COULD have been perfect and probably is perfect a lot of the time. 14.400 (5.2, 9.300, -0.1)

Second vault is a lovely kaz full, loses some leg form in the air on that one when he approaches the landing and takes a big hop back but also very strong. 13.866 (4.8, 9.066)

14.133 average moves him to first!

7:26 am. Daniel Trifonov BUL VT: NOOOOOOOO, goes for a kaz full, it’s GORGEOUS, just stunning, but he ends up a bit short and he can’t stop himself putting his hands down when he propels forward on the landing. Devastating. 12.600 (4.8, 7.900, -0.1)

Absolutely MASSIVE Yurchenko double. And also gorgeous in the air. Big lunge back. 13.733 (4.8, 9.033, -0.1)

13.166 average

7:22 am. Jakob Kvamsøe NOR VT: Big kaz full, a bit short on the landing and he takes a step back when he pulls his chest up but it was decent in the air. 13.500 (4.8, 8.700)

Second vault is just a kaz, mostly really clean and he almost flairs it out, takes a big step back. 12.800 (4.0, 8.800)

13.150 average

7:19 am. Touch warm-up for the second half!

7:15 am. Alperen Ege Avci TUR VT: I didn’t see his entry, kaz full maybe? But it looked like a good vault, just a hop forward, not bad! Form in the air was pretty solid. 13.900 (4.8, 9.100)

Ooh, beautiful second vault, just a simple kaz but it’s GORGEOUS. Just lacks a bit of power. 13.266 (4.0, 9.266)

13.583 average

7:11 am. Szilard Zavory HUN VT: Kaz 1.5, and it’s pretty strong! Leg form on the pre-flight and he’s a little off-center, big step forward and OOB. 14.000 (5.2, 8.900, -0.1)

Very strong on the Yurchenko double as well. Again moves a bit to the side in the air and ends up hopping back but it’s pretty good. 13.766 (4.8, 8.966)

13.883 average

7:06 am. Maxim Kovalenko GER VT: Yurchenko double, some soft form in his knees at times but landed well! 13.966 (4.8, 9.166)

Second vault is a kaz full, also some form throughout but also landed well! 13.700 (4.8, 8.900)

13.833 average

7:01 am. Kamiyama Haruto JPN VT: Handspring randi, a little deep with a knee bend down but it’s not bad, and it’s a massive vault! 14.333 (5.6, 8.733)

Goes for a handspring double front for the second vault but doesn’t get the block at ALL and isn’t close to getting it around, sadly. Only gets half of the second flip there before sitting it. He was supposed to do a Dragulescu, in the replay his block is SCARY. Oh, he looks so sad. 9.766 (2.4, 7.366)

12.049 average


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