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HomeAthletics7 practical self-care rituals for athletes to follow

7 practical self-care rituals for athletes to follow

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If you’re involved in sports professionally or for a bit of fun, performing at your best is key for success. When you’re using your mind and body simultaneously, you need to make sure you’re taking good care of them at all times.

Highly competitive sports include rigorous training schedules. This can lead to injuries if your body is not protected and prepared. To stay healthy both on and off the field, here are several self-care rituals athletes can follow which will ensure they give their all when playing.

Eat a healthy diet

While it may sound like an obvious ritual, you’ll be surprised how many athletes forego fruits and veg in favour of junk food. Even when you’ve won a game and performed brilliantly, that doesn’t mean you should let all the hard work go to waste. While the odd treat is fine, make sure you’re filling your plate with lots of healthy foods too. These include fruits, vegetables, and foods packed with protein.

As an athlete, the chances are you’ll have lots of training to do in the run-up to a game. Therefore, you need to be following a balanced diet so you can keep up with what is expected of you. Making minor tweaks to your diet can yield impressive results and ultimately, keep your mind and body alert and active.

Remember to warm up

Arguably the most important ritual of all – you need to remember to warm up before any activity. Even when you’re in training and haven’t got a crowd glaring at you, make sure you allocate sufficient time to warm up so your joints and bones are ready and raring to go.

Should you not warm up or do a bad job of it, you’ll run the risk of getting a stitch and ultimately, becoming injured. The last thing you want is to take time out for recovery so give yourself plenty of time to prepare for what’s ahead. Even if you’re eager to get stuck in, if you don’t warm up, you’re more likely to burn out quicker.

Drink lots of water

Athletes will know only too well the importance of drinking water and staying hydrated. You may not be aware of just how much sweat you lose when you’re performing. Understandably, this needs to be replaced, otherwise, you’ll become dehydrated and run the risk of losing the game. Before, during, and after a game, it’s your responsibility to up your fluid intake.

During downtime, your body is going to require a couple of days to recover fully. During this time, you’re more prone to dehydration. Therefore, keeping your body working at its best by making sure you’re getting enough water is vital.

Get adequate rest

Rest and sleep in particular are crucial for athletes. Make sure you have an early night before and after the activity. This gives your mind and body the opportunity to compete at their best, not to mention recover quicker.

Resting and taking it easy is easier said than done. Many athletes like to be constantly active. However, this can come at a cost to your health and performance. Make sure you’re aiming for between 7 and 8 hours of sleep each night. If you struggle to get enough shuteye, there are some actions you can take to help. These include going to bed and waking up at the same time and avoiding any blue light for an hour or two before sleep.

Find time to unplug

With so much of your focus and drive being on performing at your best, athletes need to find some time to fully unplug and do something else. Why not take up a hobby? Finding something to do away from your beloved sport can help you destress, relax, and give you something exciting to concentrate on.

For athletes who can’t pull themselves away from sport, you may be interested in betting on them in your downtime. There are guides out there if you need websites for sports betting. Whatever hobby you decide on, just make sure it’s something that excites you.

Practice deep breathing exercises

Athletes give it their all when playing sports. Whether you’re on the football pitch, tennis court, or rugby field, after an intense match, your mind can go into overdrive. Also, in the lead-up to a game, your mind may be full of worry and anxiety. While some athletes can have a handle on their stress, others struggle to relax which can impact your performance. Thankfully, there are things that can help, like practicing deep breathing exercises.

Deep breathing exercises can instantly lower your heart rate, reduce tension, and help you have a clearer focus. As well as deep breathing techniques, some athletes find solace in guided imagery and yoga. Have a go at any of these until you find an exercise that works well for you. The great thing about deep breathing exercises is they can be done just about anywhere.

Practice active recovery

While we have mentioned the importance of getting plenty of rest after playing sports, that doesn’t mean we advise you to be a couch potato! Performing at your best can be exhausting. This means you’re bound to ache in the day or two after. Should you do nothing at all, your body can stiffen, meaning it’ll take longer to recover.

You need to get into the mindset of practicing active recovery. This can be in the form of swimming, walking, or other gentle exercises to give your mind and body what it needs. Just make sure not to overdo it. If you push your body too far, you could end up on the recovery bench for even longer.

Athletes of any age, sport, or agility can benefit tremendously from the rituals above. When you look after your physical and emotional wellbeing, this will pay off in regard to how you perform on the field. To ensure you’re in the right shape and in good spirits when playing, a bit of self-care can truly make all the difference.



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