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HomeGymnastics2023 European Championships | Women’s Team Final + Individual Qualifications Live Blog

2023 European Championships | Women’s Team Final + Individual Qualifications Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for for the women’s team final and individual qualifications at the 2023 European Championships, held in Antalya, Türkiye!

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7:08 am. Ada Hautala FIN FX: Double wolf turn. Looked like a straight jump double, front layout through to double full, two little steps back. Good double pike.

Anna Lashchevska UKR BB: Gets the front handspring front tuck, really aggressive. Came off on something after that sadly, I just saw her remounting. 2.5 dismount was a little deep with a step.

Sabrina Voinea ROU UB: Stalder half to Endo half, okay queen?! Maloney to clear hip to Ray, Pak, bends her legs and comes off. Back on for a van Leeuwen, stalder full finishes bleow horizontal, and a full-in with a hop.

7:05 am. Maisa Kuusikko FIN FX: Double layout goes OOB. Hit the front through to double tuck and the double pike. Good routine!

Laia Font ESP VT: Another really strong Yurchenko full!

Yelizaveta Hubareva UKR BB: Hit the mount. Sadly off on the side aerial to layout stepout.

Alba Petisco ESP VT: Omg, stuck her Yurchenko full! Not enough to really hold onto the stick and savor it, but she holds it for a good enough amount of time before saluting.

Ana Barbosu ROU UB: Maloney to Ezhova I think at the beginning? I jumped in a second late, then another Maloney esque transition to a pirouette, clear hip piked Tkachev to Pak, van Leeuwen, comes off a little wild into the dismount but that’s another hit for them!

7:03 am. Laura Casabuena ESP VT: Big Yurchenko full, small hop back. Really nice!

Amalia Ghigoarta ROU UB: Toe full almost to perfect vertical, Maloney to stalder right to handstand, blind change to front giant half, stalder Tkachev, Pak, van Leeuwen, nice form there, and a clean double tuck, just a little short, big hop forward. Oh, Romania!!!

7:01 am. Olivia Vättö FIN FX: Stumble back OOB on the full-in at the start. Double pike is good. Also saw her hit the last pass.

Ilona Krupa UKR BB: Switch to wolf jump. Got the bhs back tuck and side aerial to split jump. Hit the rest!

Maia Llacer ESP VT: Yurchenko full, a little short with a step forward.

Lilia Cosman ROU UB: Toe full, a little late, to Maloney to Pak, van Leeuwen, straddle Jaeger, and then lands the full-out a bit low, big leap/stumble forward.

6:58 am. Moving to rotation two!

6:55 am. Christina Zwicker CRO FX: Crashed the double tuck OOB sadly. Front tuck through to double full, some leg form. Switch leap to switch ring was nice. Switch half. She does some great work, bummer about the fall.

6:53 am. Anna Gemza POL BB: Tentative landing on the bhs loso, nice connections on the switch to split jump to wolf jump. Front aerial with a tiny bobble. Side aerial with a big wobble, and she’s off there.

Filipa Martins POR UB: Big piked Jaeger, hit the Martins but then was a bit of a rush to get into the Ezhova and she ended up having a kind of form disaster and brushed her legs on the mat. Hit everything in the interior, I couldn’t type fast enough, but it was a good recovery, and then also got the double layout.

I just noticed no Marta Pihan-Kulesza on the start lists!

6:51 am. Kaja Skalska POL BB: Had just fallen when I looked over. Nice on her jump series after remounting. A bit short on a cross jump. Hit the dismount, I believe a cartwheel to tuck half?

Mariana Parente POR UB: Caught the Gienger but then came off on the piked Jaeger. Back on for a bail and toe-shoot, arched over on the clear hip but fought through it, blind full, and then a double layout dismount with a lunge forward. Some decent difficulty in there for Portugal!

Sara Sulekic CRO FX: Double tuck with a lunge back to start. Step forward on the front layout. Clean layout full.

6:47 am. Maellyse Brassart BEL VT: Most powerful of the Yurchenko fulls, but has a big hop back.

Antea Ercegovic CRO FX: Really powerful full-in, but unfortunately she puts her hands down on the landing. Oh no, then stings her ankle on a leap of all things and has to stop her routine. NOOOOO. Coaches are helping her limp off but she seems mostly okay.

Magdalena Grygiel POL BB: Hit the flight series but came off on a back tuck I believe later in the routine. Also a big wobble and fall on the side aerial.

Lisa Vaelen BEL VT: Handspring rudi, looks really piked but she gets the landing! Second vault is a Yurchenko full with a hop back.

Mafalda Costa POR UB: This was a hit from what I saw but I missed probably half.

6:46 am. Aberdeen O’Driscoll BEL VT: Another good Yurchenko full, hop back on the landing.

6:45 am. Jutta Verkest BEL VT: Yurchenko full, solid enough!

Maria Menezes POR UB: Lost herself in a pirouette and had to come off. Also had a big stumble on the dismount.

Brygida Urbanska POL BB: I missed most of this, saw a good save at one point, also hit a tuck full dismount.

Nika Kukuljan Frleta CRO FX: Sat her last pass sadly!

6:41 am. Touch for the second half now!

6:39 am. Olivia Vättö FIN BB: Off on the layout stepout mount. Bhs loso was nice. Switch leap to split jump. Side aerial and side somi, ugh, looked like she had the latter but ended up falling. 1.5 ends up a little loose/almost tucked. Senior debut problems.

Alba Petisco ESP FX: Another one bites the dust! Love her for this. Step back on the tucked full-in. Strong arabian double front, small hop forward. Hop back on the third pass, looked like a double back of some sort. Double pike with a small hop back. Another great routine for Spain!

6:36 am. Laura Casabuena ESP FX: Good piked full-in and double tuck. Also hit the third pass but I missed what it was. Switch ring. Double pike at the end was nice! Great routine.

Kaia Tanskanen FIN BB: Hit the layout stepout mount. Bhs loso also solid. Got wobbly in a wolf turn. Hit the front aerial. Good double full dismount.

Sabrina Voinea ROU VT: Second vault was a front pike, I assume from a Yurchenko half-on? Or handspring I guess? I missed the entry. Landing looked like she was OOB.

6:35 am. Anna Lashchevska UKR UB: Toe on to Chow (I think, couldn’t see the legs) to Pak, some more circle work on the low bar, little sway back moment on the high bar but fought through it and caught the straddle Jaeger, toe full a little late into the full-in, big leap forward.

Sabrina Voinea ROU VT: Yurchenko double, I didn’t really see the landing super well, this is the glitchiest stream for me so far, but in the air it looked like there were just the usual leg form issues. Also landed kinda close to the table-ish?

6:34 am. Ana Perez ESP FX: Started with a good double pike. Also saw a solid double tuck. So happy for her coming back at ALL, let alone on floor!

Ada Hautala FIN BB: Hit the mount, had a wobble on a leap series. Hit the side somi. Came off on something after that. Hit the dismount.

Ana Barbosu ROU VT: Stumbled back and sat her Yurchenko 1.5.

6:33 am. Yelizaveta Hubareva UKR UB: Toe full to Chow to Pak, nice. Maloney to Gienger. Toe half to straddle Jaeger, and a double tuck with a step, really nice work!

6:32 am. Lilia Cosman ROU VT: Yurchenko 1.5, not super powerful, but solid enough, small step to the side but looked OOB.

6:30 am. Maisa Kuusikko FIN BB: Hit the flight series! Stayed on for everything else, and hit the dismount, great start to her day!

Laia Font ESP FX: Nice first two passes, double pike was solid. Solid double full, just some ankle form.

Amalia Ghigoarta ROU VT: I believe she did a Yurchenko full but I only saw the very end, no fall or anything.

6:26 am. Apologies, I had to sleep during the first subdivision, but for a quick recap, Norway leads the team competition and Maria Tronrud leads the all-around!

This subdivision will see Romania, Belgium, Ukraine, Portugal, Finland, Poland, Spain, and Croatia.


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